A Path Unknown

God the Father, Cima da Conegliano, Circa 1510-17.

God the Father, Cima da Conegliano, Circa 1510-17. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


I walk the Earth surrounded by mystery. The atmosphere is filled with the Heavenly Father our God. For he leads us down the path he sees best fit for us. Those who are righteous should have no fear for He is always there to lead us and protect us. This morning our God reached out to me multiple times. Obviously wanting me to follow Him and take Him into my heart. And so I decided I will. I will try my hardest to be as righteous as I can to make Him proud in hopes that He will accept me into His holy kingdom one day. He knows what he is doing for He has done it all before, for He made it all. I don’t know where He will lead me and I don’t have any clue how he will go about it. But I trust in Him that it’s where I will want to be. I hope that through me He will make the world a better place wherever I go. Spreading love, peace, kindness, harmony, faith, and blessings to all. I pray my path has lots of adventures, so when I overcome I shall look to Him and praise Him in all of  His glory for seeing me through. I thank Him. For everything. For reaching out to me and trying to lead me to Him for a better life for He is my Father. I thank Him for seeing the potential in me. I hope everyone finds a way to let Him into their hearts. Let Him bless you and your family for years to come. Let Him help you through your struggles. In God’s name. Amen.